Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekend Update

Guten Morgen from Munich! Nikole and I started our travels off Friday night (barely) catching a train from Umeå to Stockholm. The train ride was about 9 hours long, but there was plenty of space to spread out so we slept basically the entire way. We arrived in Stockholm at about 6:30 in the morning. Nothing was open until 8:30, earliest, so we walked back to the train station in the pouring snow, had breakfast and then found our hotel. We were able to check in early, which was great. We unloaded our super heavy backpacks and venture around the city. The snow let up somewhat and we went to the Palace, Holiday Market, a Boat Tour of the City and the Vasa Museum. We finally ate our 2nd and final meal of the day at the museum's nice cafe. Unfortunately, it did not agree with my stomach. After shopping around downtown Stockholm on Saturday night, we went back to our room. Our room did not have a bathroom inside it, nor did our floor have bathroom on it. So we had to go up 2 flights of stairs (which were not heated or lit) to go to the bathroom or shower. As I mentioned before, the meal did not agree with me, so I was running up and down the stairs for the remainder of the night, getting sick! I felt fine afterwards and we called it a day.
Sunday morning we got to the Stockholm train station for our 8:30 train to Lund. We were happy it was on time, considering all the snow. We traveled about 4.5 hours in a nice train down to Lund. It was snowing like crazy when we got there and didn't know exactly where to go. So we found a gift shop, bought some souvenirs and asked for directions. After a filling lunch we went to the University (one of the oldest in Sweden), most things were closed because it was a Sunday, but we did get some good outside pictures and walked around some of the buildings. We found a museum that was open and free to students. It was all on the history of Lund, I of course was very interested and the girl at the front desk thought it was VERY cool, that was my last name. She provided me with some additional history on the city. Afterwards we went to the big Lund Cathedral and made sure to be there by 3pm to see the clock presentation. We saw it and it wasn't as impressive as it was built up to be. We walked around the church a little longer and took some pictures of the outside. Although it was hard because of the massive size, so I bought some post cards to get the whole thing in. After a quick stop for some provisions, we got on a train from Lund to Copenhagen.
The Copenhagen train station was super busy, dirty and full of big scary birds that were not afraid of people. Luckily, we only had to stay there about 2 hours until our next train. This was just enough time to get a Danish hot dog and chocolate milk.
We boarded the big train to Munich. It was so old and nothing like the trains we'd been on before. We were in a room with 6 chairs, one of which was broken. It was completely empty so we thought we'd get to lay down and sleep for the 15 hour ride. Unfortunately, it filled up. We met some nice people and even had a beer with one guy from Nuremberg. But overall it was not so great, sleeping in a chair for that many hours, and of course, I was in the middle.
Now we're in Munich and ready to eat lunch and explore the city!

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